To prepare the students to meet all opportunities and challenges of the global world. Keeping pace with the rapidly growing educational scenario, Rana Pratap Girls College is on constant endeavor to see that the students moving from the college turn out to be one of the best in the Nation.

Human potential needs favorable environment to flourish. We at Rana Pratap Girls College to nurture and develop talent, inculcate habits with a blend of values and to evoke the spirit of harmony, sportsmanship and sensitivity in the wards.

Rana Pratap Girls College is committed to building a congenial atmosphere in which co-existence is essential to create an intellectual academic community. We believe that we have a special responsibility to nurture co-operation, tolerance and mutual respect in our Nation of diversity. We will make the college a place to promote freedom of thought, innovation and creativity which are essential for academic excellence. Our college has a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere which enables you to experience the wisdom and knowledge you acquire, in a joyous way.

We have an excellent and dedicated Principal and staff who guide you to achieve your goal. Good thought, moral faith and goal will prevail in our institution. We are vibrant and friendly, with a strong record of excellence in teaching The best possible atmosphere for academic growth is provided for the benefit of both the students and the parents who have placed their trust in us.

I am proud to say that once our students step in, they step out with the self-confidence and knowledge to face all endeavors with complete savvy. We prepare them for that. We at Rana Pratap Girls College are totally committed for the overall development of the students. We are sure that you will use our platform from where the leaders and innovators of tomorrow will emerge. We believe in focusing on the overall personality development of our students by ensuring their active participation in sports, literary, cultural and other curricular activities of our institute. College days comprise a phase of life during which we learn and experience our growth. Our chief motto is to transform our students into responsible citizens with satisfying careers. We welcome you to our college and we are delighted to provide you with all assistance in achieving your academic goals.

Wishing you all the very best for a bright and prosperous future ahead.
Come, create your success story.
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